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Sunner, L. (2022). Intellectual property as a cornerstone of the world economy: Enhancing or restricting trade within the European Union’s external trade policy? Oxford University Press.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Sunner, Liam. Intellectual Property as a Cornerstone of the World Economy: Enhancing or Restricting Trade Within the European Union’s External Trade Policy? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.


Sunner, Liam. Intellectual Property as a Cornerstone of the World Economy: Enhancing or Restricting Trade Within the European Union’s External Trade Policy? Oxford University Press, 2022.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Sunner, L. 2022. Intellectual property as a cornerstone of the world economy: Enhancing or restricting trade within the European Union’s external trade policy? Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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