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(2000). Revival of rights v. protection of acquired rights: The internpretation of article 10 (3) of the duration directive by the European court of justice in the Butterfly case.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Revival of Rights V. Protection of Acquired Rights: The Internpretation of Article 10 (3) of the Duration Directive by the European Court of Justice in the Butterfly Case. 2000.


Revival of Rights V. Protection of Acquired Rights: The Internpretation of Article 10 (3) of the Duration Directive by the European Court of Justice in the Butterfly Case. 2000.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

2000. Revival of rights v. protection of acquired rights: The internpretation of article 10 (3) of the duration directive by the European court of justice in the Butterfly case.

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